Sunday, December 5, 2010


So I went to Geppi's Entertainment Museum with the hubs, baby and brother on Thursday, it was amazing!  I geeked out so bad over the comis book room.  And Devin's(my tattoo artist) room was awesome!

The painting was titled "Tiffany is breakfast"....LOVE IT! 
In other news I got an E-mail from today and they want more of my stuff to sell since all but 3 of my pieces have sold out there!  I can't even explain how awesome it feels to just scroll down the site and see "out of stock" next to my stuff!  I put a lot of work into everything I make.  I mold it, paint it, manipulate it, ect..  I don't just glue shit together or put a pendant on a chain or set of earrings.  I MAKE my stuff.  And I love that through etsy and HOMS I'm getting it out there.  Art has become a part time job kinda, which is just too perfect!  I'm going to push it as far as I can.

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